This is a picture of our grandson Warren and his girlfriend, Winona.
They spent most of yesterday with us, and I took a quick shot of them.
Such a cute couple, and fun to be with. I feel so blessed that my grand children like to spend time with us. ;)
I've been working on socks......as usual!
Field of Flowers socks,
done as a Knit along in the "Just Socks" group.
I knitted them toe up, and charted the flowers to have more background
and fewer flowers. Purchased yarn....Cascade, Fixation.
Waterfall socks, by Wendy JohnsonAnother pair of the Waterfall Socks.....I love this pattern. I love all of Wendy's socks!
More of my hand dyed, and hand spun merino wool yarn.
* * * * * * * * *
It's been quite awhile since I've posted here. I've been busy knitting socks
plus trying to just keep my head above water. lol
Sometimes life throws a curve ball at us, and we have to either duck or
get hit in the head. I ducked.....I'm still hanging in there! :)
My dear friend Pam, whom I've known since 4th grade, passed away last night.
I will miss her something awful, but I'm glad that her suffering is over, and she is safely with the Lord. I hurt for her daughter and g/children. I know they will miss her even more than I will.
We branded last weekend, and Thad was here to help....as were Warren and Winona. Now Terry is starting to hay. The grasshoppers are pretty bad, so he needs to get the hay up while there is still any left.
This is all from me for now. Summers are always so busy, and this summer is no exception.