LOOKIE at what we ordered yesterday when we were in town for breakfast!! Here is a picture of what it looks like. I'm so excited to get it I can hardly stand it. It should be here the end of the week....I HOPE! It is a Honda Metropolitan scooter, and it is only 49cc. The speedometer goes up to 45 mph, so I'll probably cruise along at around 30 mph or so on the highway. It will take me approx. 30 minutes to get to town. LOL (We are 12 miles from town) It's 'supposed' to get 110 mpg! It will be fun to go back and forth to town on it when the weather permits. Our road to town doesn't have very heavy traffic, and I doubt very much that I'll be taking it on the interstate. My friend Kathy who lives across the highway from us is also getting a scooter......and she is retiring next week......so we have plans for lots of scooter play time. LOL
OTN is still my green sweater. I haven't been knitting very much lately, but I'm up to the armholes on the front, so after I finish the front I only have the sleeves to do and then putting it together. I am also working on a shawl for an exchange in a group I am in....and I have a couple pairs of socks in the making. If I get bored knitting on one thing, I switch to another. LOL
It's a hot day here today......it was 103 at the bottom of the hill when we came home from church, and 99 up here where we live. It's supposed to 'cool down' to the 90's the middle of next week. We will be branding on Saturday, and Thad and Warren are coming from Sheridan to help us, so I hope the weather won't be so unmercifully hot by then. Kris and the kids (and maybe Jim, depending on his work schedule) will come out and help too, so it will be a family time with our kids! I love it SO MUCH when we get to spend time with our kids!
This is it for today! Have a great Lord's Day!