They are toe-up socks.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Rainbow Sherbet Socks
They are toe-up socks.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Rainbow Sherbet Yarn....
Monday, December 15, 2008
More spinning done.....
I have some multicolored roving on my Lendrum wheel. Perhaps I will get it finished this week. I have some white yarn that I just plyed that I am going to dye maybe tonight or tomorrow. I will post pictures of it.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Socks and keychain
I made myself some socks and a little keychain.
They are both knit toe-up.
The Socks are a variation of the Herringbone Lace Socks. The pattern is found here:
There is no pattern for the keychain as I did it off the top of my head.
Here is how I did it:
I cast-on a total of 12 stitches using the Judy Becker magic cast-on.
I then worked increases every other row until I had a total of 20 stitches.
I worked the foot until it was the length I wanted it to be.
For the heel, I did a no-wrap short row heel (demo can be seen here: )
and then I worked the cuff to the length I wanted it to be, and bound off.
It was very easy, and I like the results.
I cut a little plastic piece to fit inside to sock to use as a sock blocker.
I made a couple more of these little key chains for gifts and the gals said they loved them.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Spinning again..........
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Busy, busy, busy
It's hard to photograph them, but they really did turn our pretty.
I can't remember the link where I got the patterns, but if someone really wanted to know I could prolly find the link. :)
I made the medium tall bag, and the small bag.
I love the way they turned out and have a large bag cut out now to use as a knitting bag.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Caps for the kids.....
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Pastel roving spun up
Purple yarn......
Thursday, November 27, 2008 much to be thankful for!
I completed some socks this week, and thought I would post a picture of them. Both are made from my own handspun yarn. The yarn in the multicolored sock was dyed with acid dyes to form a striped pattern.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates today!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Three Generations....
Pictured is Thad (our son), Terry (DH), and Warren (grandson)
I have some white yarn that I plied last night, and am going to try to dye it today.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I've been spinning. Here's some roving I have on the wheels. The lime green roving is on my Kromski Minstrel wheel, and the pink and white roving is on my Lendrum wheel. The lime green roving reflected the flash, but when I tried to not have any flash it looked like avocado green. I hope you can get the idea of what they look like by these photos. I want these to both be sock yarns. Hopefully I'll be able to finish them this weekend sometime.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Spinnin' Wheel Goes Round 'n Round.....
I love both of my wheels.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Finishing up WIP's! What a good feeling!
and I have the coral yarn balled and ready to will be socks!
I have a knit top that this yarn will match perfectly. :)
This cranberry yarn (below) is sooooooooo yummy! It will also be socks.
Both yarns are Merino soft, and the colors are so vibrant!
I love, love, love this cranberry color!
That's a GREAT feeling, since these green ones below have been cast on for
several weeks now, but I kept working on other things!
Now I can start some more socks tomorrow!
I will cast on the coral yarn (above) in the morning. :)
socks done that have been sitting on the needles for ages.
This is my second post for today.
Man, I'm just getting so much done!
Terry should have retired sooner.
I'm lovin' having him at home!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Spinnin' Wool 'n Knittin' Sox
Just some of the 'fruits of my labor'.
These yarns are all merino wool, and are between
fingering weight and sport weight. Some are 3 ply (Navajo plied) and some are 2 ply.
I'm sure excited about getting my new wheel. :)

They are toe up socks. They are made out of Red Heart Heart and Sole sock
yarn. I'm very happy with them.
Monday, November 3, 2008
There's just not enough hours in the day......
The blue and yellow socks are Knitpicks yarn that I dyed with Easter Egg dyes.
Both pairs of these socks are knitted toe new favorite way to knit socks. They are easy to do (once I figured out a heel that I liked!), you can try them on easier as you are knitting them, and if you run out of yarn midsock you will most likely be at the cuff and can just bind off then rather than running out in the middle of the foot as would happen with a cuff down sock. I have another pair of socks nearly completed, and will post a picture of them when they are done.
There just isn't enough time in the day for me to spin, knit, quilt, stamp...... Sleep is such a waste of time.....but oh so enjoyable!!
Terry is retired now.
I'm enjoying having him at home, and I think he's really enjoying it too.
It's not nearly as lonely out here with him around. :)
Tomorrow is election day. We will go to town and vote, and then I am meeting my two sisters for lunch. It should be a fun day.
I ordered my Christmas gift tonight. YAYYYYYYY!! It is another spinning wheel......the Kromski Minstrel (like what Mona has) only in a walnut finish. I'm so excited!!
Merry Christmas to meeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
Here is a link to the wheel that I am getting:
Mine will have a walnut finish that I hope will match my grandmothers rocking chair that is from the 1800's.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Just Knittin' 'n Spinnin'!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
10 Reasons to Buy Lots of Yarn!
10 Reasons to Buy Lots of Yarn
1. It insulates the cupboard where it is kept.
2. It keeps the economy moving. It is my patriotic duty to support wool
farmers, textile mills, and yarn shops.
3. It is less expensive and more fun than psychiatric care.
4. I'm participating in a contest - the one who dies with the most yarn
5. It keeps without refrigeration, you don't have to cook it to enjoy
it, you never have to feed it, change it, wipe its nose or walk it.
6. Because I'm worth it.
7. Like dust, it's good for protecting previously unprotected spaces in
the house, like the ironing board, the laundry basket, the dining room
8. It's not immoral, illegal or fattening. It calms the nerves,
ratifies the soul, and makes me feel good.
9. Because it is on sale. Because that is such a beautiful colour... I've never seen it
before... I must have it.
10. Buy it now, before your husband retires and goes with you on all your
shopping expeditions.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
I've been so busy!

I've been doing a lot of spinning on my spinning wheel, and have made quite a bit of yarn. Here is a picture of my wheel.

Donna was here in Sept. for 3 weeks. We had a great time while she was here, and I sure miss her!
Here is a picture of us when we went out to lunch with my 2 sisters one day.
From left to right is me, my sister Lillian, my sister Darlene, and Donna.
And here is a picture of Terry, myself, Dale, Kathy and Donna when we went to Medora, ND for the musical. What a fun trip that was!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Another Stamp Class
Monday, March 10, 2008
Friday night stamp class .........
Last Friday night was stamp class. I only had 11 students at class (one is missing in these pictures) and since I'd promised some of you to take pictures, I took several, but am only uploading 2. We always have fun at stamp class, and the gals sure do challenge me to learn new things. They are a great bunch of girls, and I love spending time with them.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Socks again!!
Thursday, February 7, 2008

Wednesday, January 23, 2008
My Hemlock Ring Blanket